03 Nov NJ-504 HUD FY2024 CoCBuilds Competition
Dear Community Partners:
The County of Essex, through the Division of Community Action, as the Collaborative Applicant for the NJ-504 Newark/Essex County CEAS (Comprehensive Emergency Assistance System)/ Continuum of Care (CEAS/CoC) Committee is seeking applications from organizations for funding in the FY2024 U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Continuum of Care Builds Competition.
The Essex County CEAS/CoC Committee is the planning body for the NJ-504 Newark/Essex County Continuum of Care and includes all the municipalities in the County. Therefore, as the Collaborative Applicant will be evaluating, selecting and submitting the project to the U.S Dept of HUD. If your organization plans to apply, you can find the CoCBuilds competition guidance and prepare applications by visiting: www.grants.gov and searching for Funding Opportunity Number: FR-6800-N-25A. More information can also be found at the HUD Competition Page https://www.hud.gov/grants/
Applications are required to be submitted to the Continuum of Care Coordinator, Ms. Jessica Torres by due date Monday, September 16, 2024 at 5:00pm EST.
Technical Assistance session coming soon. Please check this page regularly for local competition updates.
Applicants should be aware that this is a new source of funding of approximately $175,000,000 is available through this NOFO nationwide. HUD expects to make approximately 25 awards from the funds available under this NOFO and only ONE (1) application can be submitted by the Collaborative Applicant. It is imperative that organizations be familiarized with the requirements of this NOFO prior to submitting applications. HUD’s Continuum of Care Program Interim Rule (24 CFR part 578), training materials and program resources may be accessed via the HUD Exchange at www.hudexchange.info and specific competition related resources are posted on the HUD CoC Builds competition site:
On behalf of the County of Essex, we look forward to working with you to adding new units of permanent supportive housing (PSH) through new construction, acquisition, or rehabilitation through one-time CoCBuilds awards under the CoC Program. If you have any questions concerning this request for applications, please contact Ms. Jessica Torres at jtorres@communityaction.essexcountynj.org or Mr. Rafael Romero at rromero@communityaction.essexcountynj.org .
Best Regards,
Essex County Division of Community Action
Terrence McCoy, CoC Lead Agency, Division Director